This article, which is based on an article, published on August 16, by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, serves to illustrate how it is possible to lose weight, change your body image (as seen below), and lifestyle, through a combined healthy diet and training. In one year she managed to lose more than 20 kg, in fact she lost 22 kg, or more than 25% of her previous weight, 87 kg, 14 years earlier, and has managed to maintain her new, healthier lyfestyle since.
Each year, in Janury, the training centres get a rush of new members, with a new aim and resolution in their bags. However, by February or March things start to slide. In June the bikini season comes within sight, and a frantic effort and hope to have a body that they can be satisfied with. In August it is time to look through the vacation photos, and once again recognize the fact that the intentions did not work out.
"It takes time to make changes," says training expert Guri Brekke. "Those that make a frantic effort frequently end up heavier in the long run. The result is yo-yo slimming. Dieting most frequently produce short term results. The body needs adjustment over time, with long term thinking and approach.
Agnete Hunshamar experienced this 14 years ago. She was only 19 and vacationed in Greece. Upon her return to Norway she looked forward to viewing her photos from her vacation.
"When I looked through the photos I was surprised to see how big I was. I thought that this was not me, because I felt so sparkling, energetic and young. At that time the photos were not digital, and I had to get them developed before I could view them. It felt quite bad, and I cried", she recalls.
"My self-esteem became very poor, but then I decided that I did not want to look like that anymore. I wanted to do something about it, I wanted to look fit, and healthy. I lost 20 kg in one year.
She did not want to experience the same feeling again, and decided to change to a healthier lifestyle.
I became conscious of what I consumed, and started to train. It was horrible in the beginning; I felt that all the others were so slim, but then I thought it was better that people saw that I was trying to do something about it."
There was no summer in the near future, so she had plenty of time to develop good habits, and felt no hurry to get in really good shape. She quickly discovered that she really enjoyed to exercise.
"It produced a lot of joy, it energized, and gave a sense of achievement."
She started swimming, fitness and strength training. Eventually she felt ready to go to the gym.
"It felt like having become a fitness girl."
The weight went from 87 kg to 65 kg, in one year.
"I lost more than 20 kg in one year", she says proudly.
"I think what she has done is very positive", Brekke says. "She made a decision, and I'm impressed. It is very demanding to lose so much weight in a year. It requires a lot of discipline, and that is what it is about."
Hunhamar maintained the new lifestyle nicely, but had children both in 2004 and 2009. During her last pregnancy she put on a lot of weight, and was back to where she was many years earlier. She knew, however, that she had done a good job before, and wanted to do it again. She did, and now there is a happier woman looking through her vacation photos. Two pregnancies and 14 years after the vacation photos that shocked her, she looks better than ever, as you can see below:
"It's cool that I look younger, fitter and better now, despite being 33 and mother of two. I'm quite happy about that. It gives you a very different sense of self, and I think that this is me - sporty and healthy."
"I'm much fitter now than when I was 19, and to me it has all to do with willpower, commitment, discipline and patience. That is what it takes to do this over time; there will be many times when you do not want to. It may be that you are tired, busy with the kids, or whatever. However, you have to set priorities, and you have to find time for what is important in life, and just do it. You will never regret having completed your workout.
Hunshamar knows that there are many people at this time who feel the same as she did.
"Yes, I think so. It is in summer that people care the most about such things," she says.
"We women are not happy anyway. We must learn to like who we are. We can try to eat healthy, and exercise well, but we must not aim at being skinny, and perfect in every way - it is mostly unhealthy for most people. It is important to maintain health, through a healthy diet, and to exercise regularly. It is important to think that you can be sound and healthy, and to have muscles. If we put too many demands on ourselves, we won't meet them," Brekke says, and specifies:
"It may be okay to have some extra kilos, as long as you are in good condition, so it is no big deal. If you are good at exercising, it may well be that you have found your ideal weight."
Hunshamar hopes that those who are experiencing the same dissatisfaction that she experienced take the time to carry out the necessary changes at their own pace, that they find a lifestyle that they can live with, and that they start it now.
"Don't wait till Monday, start your new life today, it takes a long time. You have to prioritize, and new habits have to be ingrained into your new lifestyle. It is also too late to start thinking about summer body in April and May. Think long term and do not give up even if your body weight fluctuates in the wrong direction sometimes."
With the exception of her pregnancies she has kept her weight stable.
"One must find a balance. Make sure that your workouts do not get completely out of hand. and that you establish a lifestyle that you can be comfortable with. You must be able to live with the diet and exercise program that you create. Regardless of what it is," she says.
The fitness expert is in total agreement with this.
"You must have a goal or target for the year, it's not all about the bikini season, it is also extremely short, for our part. We must find a balance, be sound and healthy all year round - and not just focus on spring and summer," Brekke emphasizes.
Hunshamar now has a varied training program: participating in group lessons, she jogs, bicycles, and works with weights.
"Now, I not only train just to keep slim for the sake of looking good. Now, it is as much about training being fun in itself, because it is wonderful to feel strong and vigorous, and not least how good it feels psychologically."
She still allows herself some candy, but she has learned to think.
"I like to stop before I help myself to a piece of cake or something else that is good. I ask myself whether it is worth it. Sometimes it is worth it, but very often it's not. Then I just pass."